Reading & Media Links

Insignia Library Software

Access our library catalog online! Insignia Library Software allows students and parents access to all books and textbooks cataloged in our SCPS schools. Student can access Insignia by logging into the Clever Portal and clicking on the Insignia tile.

Access the entire SCPS catalog (public).

Digital Resources

Classroom Libraries

Library Links - Seminole County Public School students and staff have access to a variety of digital resources below. Students and staff can access these resources by logging into the The Portal and clicking "Library Links".

Seminole County Library Grade Level Reading Lists

Common Sense Media Book Lists

September AR Book Calendar

October AR Book Calendar

November AR Book Calendar

December AR Book Calendar

January AR Calendar

February AR Calendar

March AR Calendar

April AR Calendar

May AR Calendar

Sora eBooks

** I you have overdue or lost books in your school account, you will not be able to use the Sora account until you clear your school account.

You Will Need

  • An internet connection via PC, Mac, or mobile device and

  • A valid student number.

How It Works

  1. Visit the Seminole County Public School Library Overdrive site at
  2. Sign in with your student number and click "Borrow" to check out a book.
  3. Read online or download and enjoy.
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